Brian Daniel Cooper
Kensington Vanguard National Land Services, LLC
Brian Cooper is currently the Co-CEO of Kensington Vanguard National Land Services. He was formerly Marketing Manager with GreenMountain Energy in Florida. At Michigan, Brian’s interests included renewable energy and distributed generation technologies. Brian spent the summer of 2002 at Nike’s world headquarters in Portland, where he waspart of a team developing the “business case” for Nike’s sustainability initiatives. In the summer of 2001, Brian worked at General Motor’s Global Alternative Propulsion Center where he prepared financial and sizing models for early commercial adopters of stationary fuel cells and performed analyses of potential fuel cell partners for GM’s Business Strategy Group. Prior to coming to Michigan, Brian worked as an intern at the EPA’s Region 4 office and before that as an HIV scientist for three] years at the]Centers for ]Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta. He received his B.S. with honors in Biology from Georgia State University in 1996. Brian was an avid rugby player at Michigan.