Jennifer Ann Layke
Director, Institute of Building Efficiency
World Resources Institute
Jennifer Layke has been at WRI leading business and climate change initiatives since 1997. Ms. Layke founded The Green Power Market Development Group, a partnership with twelve major U.S. businesses including Alcoa, General Motors and DuPont ( with a collective goal of developing 1000 MW of cost-competitive, new green power in the US by 2010. In 2003, Ms. Layke launched Climate Northeast, ( a corporate partnership that builds strategies for companies to thrive in a carbon-constrained economy and she is co-author of A Climate of Innovation: Northeast Business Action to Reduce Greenhouse Gases. In 2005 Ms. Layke’s work began linking business action to climate with policy activities and in that capacity became deputy director of the climate and energy program at WRI. She has represented WRI in the Chicago Climate Exchange as well as in numerous NGO and business partnerships. She has also authored three reports evaluating international MBA programs on their inclusion of social and environmental issues in management training.