Andrew J. Hoffman, University of Michigan and Erb Faculty Member was published in Organization & Environment 2008 21:390, with Rebecca Henn, University of Michigan. Abstract: The green building movement has overcome formidable, technical, and economic hurdles in...
Results for research on: Research
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Environment: A Theoretical Perspective
Thomas P. Lyon, University of Michigan John W. Maxwell, The University of Western Ontario
Climate Change: What’s your business strategy?
Co-authored by Erb Associate Director Andy Hoffman and John Woody, "Climate Change: What's Your Business Strategy?" has been released as part of Harvard's "Memo to the CEO Series." Already featured on Amazon's Essential Green Reading List, it has been widely reviewed...
Book review: “Time for CEOs to face climate change” by Andy Hoffman
A review of Professor Hoffman's: "Climate Change: What's Your Business Strategy?" By Scott Malone | BOSTON Chief executives can no longer brush off concerns about climate change but need to start figuring out how global warming -- and regulations intended to curtail...
Buyer-Option Contracts Restored: Renegotiation, Inefficient Threats, and the Hold-Up Problem
Thomas P. Lyon, Erb Faculty Member was published in The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, 20(1): 148-169. Thomas P. Lyon and Eric Rasmusen (2004) Abstract “Buyer-option” contracts, in which the buyer selects the product variant to be traded and chooses...
Spatial Proximity and Complementarities in the Trading of Tacit Knowledge
Thomas P. Lyon, Erb Faculty Member was published in the International Journal of Industrial Organization, November 2004, 22: 1115-1135. Neslihan Aydogan and Thomas P. Lyon (2004) Abstract We model knowledge-trading coalitions in which the transfer of tacit knowledge...
Self-regulation, taxation and public voluntary environmental agreements
Thomas P. Lyon, Erb Faculty Member was published in the Journal of Public Economics, 87: 1453-1486. Thomas P. Lyon and John W. Maxwell (2003) Abstract An increasingly popular instrument for solving environmental problems is the ‘public voluntary agreement (VA),’ in...
What Do ‘Facilitating Practices’ Facilitate? An Empirical Investigation of Most-Favored-Nation Clauses in Natural Gas Contracts
Thomas P. Lyon, Erb Faculty Member was published in the Journal of Law and Economics, 37(2): 297-322. Keith J. Crocker and Thomas P. Lyon (1994) Abstract Long-term contracts often include most-favored-nation clauses (MFNs), which are nondiscrimination guarantees that...
Legal Remedies for Breach of the Regulatory Contract
Thomas P. Lyon, Erb Faculty Member was published in the Journal of Regulatory Economics, 22(2): 107-132. Thomas P. Lyon and Haizhou Huang (2002) Abstract We present a model of the regulatory “contract” that focuses on the mutual investment of buyer and seller and...
Regulation with ’20-20 Hindsight’: Least-Cost Rules and Variable Costs
Thomas P. Lyon, Erb Faculty Member was published in The Journal of Industrial Economics, 40(3): 277-289. Thomas P. Lyon (1992) Abstract Regulators sometimes review a regulated firm's input decisions in retrospect (i.e., with "20-20 hindsight") and punish bad outcomes...