"Climate Corps 2010: Pairing a Green Plan With a Corporate Culture." by Yih-Wei Chien, Erb '12. Read the story
Results for research on: In the Media
Tom Lyon talks with Fast Company about the challenges of sustainably managing explosive economic growth.
"Good Cop, Bad Cop: the Evolving Form of Business-NGO Partnerships in China." Read the story
Professor Tom Lyon discusses the variety of “greening” strategies between corporations and NGOs.
"10 Green NGOs Businesses Should Know About" Read the story
Andy Hoffman reflects on passion versus conformity in HBR blog posting
This fifth installment in Professor Hoffman's "What I didn't learn in B-School" blog series draws upon his recent memoir: Builder's Apprentice. Read the story online
Documentary being made on Holy Cross Abbey and its mission – The Winchester Star
Professor Andy Hoffman led the masters project team including Kathryn Buckner and Charlotte Coultrap Bragg, Erb'10. Read the article here. https://issuu.com/erbinstitute/docs/holycross
Book review: “Time for CEOs to face climate change” by Andy Hoffman
A review of Professor Hoffman's: "Climate Change: What's Your Business Strategy?" By Scott Malone | BOSTON Chief executives can no longer brush off concerns about climate change but need to start figuring out how global warming -- and regulations intended to curtail...