Erb Director, Andy Hoffman, and Erb Executive in Residence, Tom Catania show why a social consensus on climate change may be unnecessary to mitigate it. "It's time to call a truce in this rhetorical war, and instead look to the sidelines, where less-political business...
Results for research on: In the Media
Inside FedEx’s emissions-slashing strategy
GreenBiz interviews SAC Member Mitch Jackson, FedEx's Vice President for Environmental Affairs and Sustainability, in a piece examining one of the world's biggest air freight company's emission reduction goals. In the last seven years, FedEx has cut its aircraft...
Stanford’s Generation Anthropocene Project interviews Erb director Andy Hoffman
Andy Hoffman talks about the necessity of “dark greens” and “light greens,” the waning meaning of environmental rhetoric, and the difficulties of forming a social consensus around climate change. This interview is part of the Generation Anthropocene project, in which...
Climate Change in the Culture Wars
Forbes contributor Josh McQuaid blogs about the politicization of the climate science in "How Climate Change Got Caught in the Culture Wars," heavily citing Erb Director Andy Hoffman's article originally published in the Stanford Innovation Review. "How climate change...
“Climate Science as Culture War” – featured in Stanford Social Innovation
The public debate around climate change is no longer about science—it’s about values, culture, and ideology. In this extensive article, Erb Director Andy Hoffman analyzes the growing divide among Americans over climate science, and the techniques we can employ to...
Bloomberg Businessweek highlights Erb Program
Bloomberg Businessweek highlights Erb Institute and Ross School in MBA Sustainability Programs review Read article: Going Green: MBA Sustainability Programs
What to do when you’ve picked all the low-hanging fruit – Article in GreenBiz
By Nadine Gudz and Melissa Vernon This post appeared in GreenBiz on March 23, 2012 Since early 2008, an intentional, global, and mostly internal dialogue has been going on to address the question of how Interface will accelerate its sustainability journey to meet our...
Andy Hoffman Weather and Global Warming Story in Christian Science Monitor
Read it online: Warm spring weather and global warming: If only scientists could be so persuasive Andy's comments were also referenced in a related Jezebel article: Eerily Gorgeous Weather Finally Convinces People That Global Warming is a Thing (html)
US Climate Action Partnership Version 2.0
This blog is cross posted on the SustainAbility Blog The US Climate Action Partnership (USCAP), once the primary spokesman for the corporate sector on climate change in Washington, has gone dormant. Why? The reasons are multiple. Climate legislation is a nonstarter in...
Are academic scholars “lost to the academy”? A call for more public intellectuals in the climate change debate
This blog was originally posted on the Network for Business Sustainability Blog To a large degree, the public is scientifically illiterate. And that illiteracy is driving the social debate over climate change, much to the dismay of physical and social scientists...