Results for research on: In the Media

Honey Bee Population Decline in Michigan

Honey Bee Population Decline in Michigan

U-M Students Mike Bianco and Michelle Fournier and Erb student Jenny Cooper published their research on the interconnected relationship between industrial agriculture and the decline of honey bee colonies: Honey Bee Population Decline in Michigan: Causes,...

Hoffman Paper Wins Organization and Environment Best Paper Award

Hoffman Paper Wins Organization and Environment Best Paper Award

The Erb Faculty Director, Andrew Hoffman, received the Organization and Environment best paper award at the 2014 Academy of Management Conference. “Talking past each other? Cultural framing of skeptical and convinced logics in the climate change debate.” The paper,...

Should Professors Engage in Public Debate?

Should Professors Engage in Public Debate?

Erb Faculty Director, Andy Hoffman shares his thoughts on why more university researchers aren't engaging with the public and discusses the current trends. Listen to the Michigan Radio interview (14:59) | Michigan Radio summary

Paper Production and Water Stewardship in the Great Lakes

Paper Production and Water Stewardship in the Great Lakes

Watch this beautiful video on water stewardship and the paper industry in the Great Lakes region. Erb alumna and EAB member, Kathryn Buckner is featured near 3:19 in the video. This video was produced by: Detroit Public Television, the Council of Great Lakes...

Tough Choices: Deciding between Morals and Money (BBC article)

Tough Choices: Deciding between Morals and Money (BBC article)

Erb student, Kelsea Ballantyne wants to make a difference through companies that "measure up to her moral and ethical standards". Kelsea chose to accept her 2014 summer internship at local Detroit nonprofit Focus: HOPE vs. an offer from the Ford Motor company based on...

Changing Societal Norms and Business Sustainability

Changing Societal Norms and Business Sustainability

The sustainability and business education landscape is changing rapidly and on a global scale. Students, business leaders and professors are shifting priorities towards business practice focused on positive change. Dean Alison Davis-Blake of the Ross School of...