Erb student, Marianna Kerppola was featured as a top innovative female student for her enterprise, BetterHope which curates products that create safe and sustainable jobs. Read the featured blog "15 Innovative Female Students to Watch in 2015 Read more about Marianna...
Results for research on: Consumer Products
What is Water Worth?: Nestlé Walks a Fine Line
What Is Water Worth?: Nestlé Walks a Fine Line (pdf abstract available) Purchase the full report on (Case study #1-429-415) - published 02/2015, 12 pages By: Andrew Hoffman Description: Paul Bulcke, CEO of Nestlé S.A., is confronted with an Internet firestorm after a...
Perdue Farms Inc.: Antibiotic Use in Hatcheries
Perdue Farms Inc.: Antibiotic Use in Hatcheries (pdf abstract) Purchase the full report on GlobaLens (Case study #1-429-418) - published 02/2015, 16 pages By: Andrew Hoffman Description: With increasing attention from consumers surrounding food safety and public...
Professor Tom Lyon Shares Research on Corporate ‘Brownwashing’
Professor Tom Lyon, Erb's Associate Director of Research shares research findings on corporate 'brownwashing' in a radio interview with WEMU. Read more about the interview (pdf) or listen to the recording here.
10 Weeks of Cows: A Sustainable Future in the Brazilian Cattle Sector
A country of vast natural wealth, a roller-coaster economy and one of the most romanticized cultures on Earth, Brazil has assumed a significant role in the complex arena of global finance and politics. It is home to over 203 million human residents, but they are...
Distinguishing Between Demand and Need in the BoP
Welcome back to our seven-post blog series, Base of the Pyramid – The Underlying Potentials and Pitfalls of the Pyramid. Check out our first and second posts: Social Enterprise: Understanding the Base of the Pyramid and The Business Case for BoP Strategies to...
Erb Alum Nina Henning Heading Up Innovative Work in Ghana through SC Johnson
Erb alumna Nina Henning is heading up innovative solutions to reduce the threat of malaria infections through SC Johnson's WOW™ product bundle. The bundle is focuses on serving at-risk populations at the base of the pyramid (BoP). Read more through Nina Henning's...
Exploring The University’s Potential for Positive Impact
By Kelsea Ballantyne When I joined the U of M Presidents Committee for Labor Standards and Human Rights last year, I had no idea how much it would open my mind to the power universities have to transform global supply-chains. Helping to organize the Symposium on...
Why Lighting is Not the Same as Mobile Phones
by Therese Miranda How will it be possible to meet the needs of the 1.4 billion people who lack access to electricity? One of the most common arguments is that developing countries will leap-frog developed countries to implement cutting edge technology just as they...
Paper Production and Water Stewardship in the Great Lakes
Watch this beautiful video on water stewardship and the paper industry in the Great Lakes region. Erb alumna and EAB member, Kathryn Buckner is featured near 3:19 in the video. This video was produced by: Detroit Public Television, the Council of Great Lakes...