Stephanie Cuttler Aument

AVP, IT Project Manager

Eaton Vance

MBA/MS, Class of 2003

Stephanie is an IT Project Manager with Eaton Vance Management. She oversees the technology development for EV’s Sustainable Investment and Research teams, as well as a broader portfolio of investment technology projects. Previously, she was an IT Director and Sustainability Research Director at Calvert Investments, a financial services firm specializing in sustainable and responsible investment. She oversaw the Sustainability Research Department’s ongoing efforts to enhance its research methodology, analytical decision-making processes and technology platforms. Prior to joining Calvert in 2004, she worked in the sustainable development group at Dow Chemical Company and as an environmental analyst with the Investor Responsibility Research Center. In addition to her graduate degrees from the University of Michigan, Stephanie also earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Environmental Science and Policy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.