Cynthia Jeanne Manson
Industrial Economics, Incorporated
In 20+ years as a consultant, IEc Principal Cynthia Manson has built a career on the principle well-designed social and environmental policies will have measurable and positive impacts. She has worked with clients ranging from small non-profits to state and federal government agencies to the United Nations on identifying and conveying these impacts clearly to the public. Her work takes different forms (market analysis, program evaluation, economic analysis, regulatory analysis) but always demands that she cross disciplines to ensure that economists, scientists, business leaders, policy-makers, and the public can understand one another. Current areas of focus include emerging technologies and markets for alternative energy (including smart grid, off-shore wind, and efficiency efforts), sustainable materials and communities, the impacts of improved government information systems. Examining policy impacts on vulnerable populations, regions, and sectors to identify and avoid unintended consequences. Her skills include the ability to work with terrible data and “ninja” editorial proficiency, and her favorite challenge is a new client saying “I don’t know if there’s a way to value this, but I know it’s important.”