Corporate Political Responsibility Taskforce

Video Library

Corporate Political Responsibility Videos

Below is a sampling of recent videos featuring Corporate Political Responsibility conversations. They include a webinar on CPR with Erb Institute Faculty Director Tom Lyon and two of our recent Expert Dialogues. Our full video library on Vimeo includes explorations of the Erb Principles for CPR through various lenses and use cases.

Expert Dialogues

The CPRT’s Expert Dialogues are in-depth, recorded conversations with academic experts, stakeholder advocates and business practitioners, intended to provide current and future executives with the expertise and context they need to engage responsibly in today’s complex civic and political issues. To join us for upcoming Expert Dialogues, please sign up below.

Specifically crafted as conversation-starters for business students, government affairs officers, sustainability executives, diversity, equity and inclusion leaders, investors, academic experts, and stakeholder advocates, each module is designed to spark constructive, non-partisan, principles-based dialogue without “being political.”

Featured dialogue: Why Business is (Really) Being Asked to Step In

The CPRT’s full library of Expert Dialogue recordings is available on Vimeo. To receive notifications of upcoming CPRT events, sign up for our monthly newsletter.

To explore how you might apply the Erb Principles for CPR in your organization, please email Taskforce Director Elizabeth Doty at [email protected].

The CPRT is strictly non-partisan and does not advocate, promote or support any political party or candidate. While speakers and participants in the Expert Dialogues may express their views freely, the CPRT does not endorse particular organizations, individuals, parties, policies or legislation.


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