Student Research Michigan Athletics Scope 3 Analysis and NCAA Power 5 Landscape AssessmentAs the University of Michigan and other universities set net zero goals, a key area of focus is integrating sustainability within athletics. College sports are evolving at an...
Results for research on: Student Research
Erb Student Research: Contributions to Great Lakes Climate Action Study
Erb Student Research: Contributions to Great Lakes Climate Action Study Climate action takes many forms throughout the Great Lakes region. From major cities like Chicago to the state of Michigan’s 3,288 miles of coastline—and from the Forest County Potawatomi Tribe in...
Sustainability in sports: Assessing emissions and sustainability in Michigan Athletics
Sustainability in sports: Assessing emissions and sustainability in Michigan AthleticsAfter a compelling project assessing the University of Michigan Athletic Department’s sustainability initiative for his ENVIRON 391 class, C.Y. Cheng (Erb Fellow ’22) wanted to...
Connecting the Dots for Earth Day: Ross MAP Projects, Erb Students and a Global Consortium for Net-Zero Carbon
Shaping A Sustainable Future – Getting to Net Zero Michigan Ross 2023 MAP Project with The University of Exeter and the UN Climate Champions Story by Lynnette Iannace of Michigan Ross Cover photo by Thomas Richter on Unsplash One of our international MAP projects this...
It’s time for the end of the fossil-fuel industry as we know it
It’s time for the end of the fossil-fuel industry as we know itWith climate change, “we are confronted with an existential crisis that requires radical action if we are to respond with adequate scope and scale,” Andrew J. Hoffman and Douglas M. Ely argue in the...
Student Report: Illicit Trade and Modern Slavery
Student Report: Illicit Trade and Modern Slavery“Illicit trade fuels modern slavery. Human trafficking is a highly lucrative line of business for the global criminal network that also engages in the trade of drugs, wildlife, counterfeit products, etc. These criminals...
Approaches to Assessing Corporate Performance on Socially Responsible Operations
Recent Erb Institute research aims to review the current status of indicators used by different assessment methodologies to measure corporate performance on socially responsible operations and identify potential gaps in their effectiveness.
Will people take advice from AI to make important decisions?
By Larkin, Otten and Arvai - Published in the Journal of Risk Research Will people take advice from AI to make important decisions? Artificial intelligence (AI) helps people make decisions in many different contexts, from recommendations for movies and music to more...
A toe, and then a foot, in the door of the apparel industry
Student Blog: A toe, and then a foot, in the door of the apparel industryOver the summer, I spent 10 weeks interning with the Industrial Sewing and Innovation Center (ISAIC), which is a startup cut-and-sew manufacturer, training and apparel innovation center. I began...
COVID-19’s effect on domestic farmworkers and meat processing workers
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, grocery stores’ shelves sat empty as consumers rushed to stockpile toilet paper, canned goods and other necessities. With roughly 50% of Americans transitioning to remote work, the pandemic highlighted the vulnerabilities of food system workers who were unable to work safely from their homes.