Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai published in Society & Natural Resources (An International Journal) The United Nations (UN) Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) program offers incentives for developing countries to reduce CO2...
Results for research on: Faculty Research
Energy: Consider the Global Impacts of Oil Pipelines
Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai published in Nature (International Weekly Journal of Science) Consider the global impacts of oil pipelines. The debate over the development of the tar sands in Alberta, Canada, has long been a flashpoint for tensions in and between...
New publication helps companies manage climate change mitigation/adaptation
"Developing an Effective Climate Change Strategy" by Erb Director, Andy Hoffman, is published by the Conference Board Initiative on Sustainability as part of the Director Notes series. The Conference Board is a global, independent business membership and research...
Why Do States Adopt Renewable Portfolio Standards?
Why Do States Adopt Renewable Portfolio Standards?: An Empirical Investigation Thomas P. Lyon, University of Michigan Haitao Yin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University The Energy Journal 31 by the IAEE: 131-155. Renewable portfolio standards (RPSs) for electricity generation...
Why Do States Adopt Renewable Portfolio Standards?: An Empirical Investigation
Thomas P. Lyon, Haitao Yin Abstract Renewable portfolio standards (RPSs) for electricity generation are politically popular in many U.S. states although economic analysis suggests they are not first-best policies. We present an empirical analysis of the political and...
Self-regulation, taxation and public voluntary environmental agreements
Thomas P. Lyon, Erb Faculty Member was published in the Journal of Public Economics, 87: 1453-1486. Thomas P. Lyon and John W. Maxwell (2003) Abstract An increasingly popular instrument for solving environmental problems is the ‘public voluntary agreement (VA),’ in...
Self-Regulation and Social Welfare: The Political Economy of Corporate Environmentalism
Thomas P. Lyon, Erb Faculty Member was published in the Journal of Law & Economics, 43(2): 583-618. John W. Maxwell, Thomas P. Lyon and Steven C. Hackett (2000) Abstract We extend the economic theory of regulation to allow for strategic self-regulation that...