March for Science in Portland, Oregon, April 22, 2017. Another Believer, CC BY-SA , Jennifer Weeks, The Conversation Scientists and environmental advocates will be speaking out this month about the Trump administration and what they view as its abuses of science. This...
Results for research on: Faculty News
I’m suing Scott Pruitt’s broken EPA – here’s how to fix it – Erb Institute Director, Joe Arvai in The Conversation
In 2017, just a few days after Donald Trump was sworn in as president, a freshman GOP lawmaker with only a few days on the job of his own, proposed House Resolution 861. Its language was ominous: “The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31,...
Erb faculty member, Tom Lyon Weighs in on Secretary Zinke’s Proposals for Offshore Drilling – Knowledge@Wharton
Tom Lyon guest interview with Dan Loney on Knowledge@Wharton (Business radio Sirius XM111). Let’s start with your reaction to this possibility of selling new leases on sectors in the ocean and places along the Atlantic or Pacific coast. Could we see more...
Erb Faculty Director, Joe Árvai Quoted in Think Progress on Scott Pruitt and EPA
“He is recomposing what science advice at the EPA looks like,” Joe Árvai, director of the Erb Institute at the University of Michigan and former Science Advisory Board member, told ThinkProgress. “When he asks science advisers to weigh in on matters that will be of...
“A Test for Corporate Sustainability Leadership” Published in Huffington Post by Tom Lyon
"Our distinctive expertise as a research community lies in understanding corporate sustainability behavior. We know much about what motivates business firms to invest in sustainability beyond the level required by law, and the impacts these investments have on...
Erb Institute faculty, Tom Lyon asks, “Do Millennials Have a Sense of ‘Meh’ When It Comes to the U.S. Auto Industry? – 3BL Media
Connect with the Erb Institute | Business for Sustainability newsroom at 3BL here. Erb Institute, faculty member, Tom Lyon along with A. Wren Montgomery and Kimberly S. Wolske, have recently completed research which considers differences between Millennial’s...
“America First, Environment Last? Examining the EPA in the Trump Era” – WNYC Radio
Erb Faculty Director, Joe Arvai among those interviewed to answer this question. Listen here 24:30 to hear Joe Arvai's thoughts.
Erb faculty director, Joe Árvai and Ian Welsh: Do companies even want to know what’s material to them?
The Erb Institute partnered with Innovation Forum during their recent visit to Detroit, Oct. 2-3rd, for their conference on "How business can measure the impact—and ROI—of corporate sustainability." The conference delved into the best ways to assess materiality, build...