One of the great challenges of tackling climate change is making it real for people without a scientific background. That’s because the threat it poses can be so hard to see or feel. In the wake of Hurricanes Florence and Michael, for example, one may be compelled to...
Results for research on: Faculty News
Sustainability, commerce and economics: How to create the right balance – Andy Hoffman quoted in Business Today
We may be losing the war against climate change, as we fail to approach sustainability-related issues in the right manner. Read the article in Business Today In a recent article 'The Invisible Hand Won't Solve the Climate Crisis. Capitalism Must Evolve', US professor...
Andrew J. Hoffman delivers 2018 Convocation Address at Loyola University Chicago
On August 24, 2018, Andrew J. Hoffman, the Holcim (US) Professor of Sustainable Enterprise at the University of Michigan, delivered the Convocation Address at Loyola University Chicago to 3,250 students and 250 faculty members. “First-Year Text” is an initiative that...
Nobel award recognizes how economic forces can fight climate change – Andy Hoffman in The Conversation
Co-authored by Andy Hoffman and Ellen Hughes-Cromwick Yale economist William Nordhaus has devoted his life’s work to understanding the costs of climate change and advocating the use of a carbon tax to curb global warming. It’s no small irony, then, that on the same...
ARCS President, Tom Lyon, issues ARCS statement on business leadership and climate change
This past week thousands of delegates were in San Francisco for the Global Climate Action Summit. Spearheaded by California Governor Jerry Brown, the Summit showcases the commitments of states, cities and businesses to cut their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and...
Erb Institute to hold affiliate event at Global Climate Action Summit
The Erb Institute is joining the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco, CA on September 12, 2018, to host a roundtable “Developing Climate-Business Strategies: Partnering with Universities for Science-Based Impact." This invitation-only affiliate event will...
Professor Hoffman’s book selected as Loyola students’ first-year text
“First-Year Text” is an initiative that Loyola University instituted in 2006, in which all of Loyola’s first-year students read the same book over the summer. The book chosen for the 2018 First-Year Text is Finding Purpose: Environmental Stewardship as a Personal...
What a Sustainable Business Looks Like – Erb Institute professor Sara Soderstrom comments on Brewery Vivant
U-M alum: Brewery Vivant sustains people, planet, profit BY GRETA GUEST ANN ARBOR—When Kris Spaulding started Brewery Vivant, she did so mindful of the possibilities to create a sustainable business with inspiration sparked at the University of Michigan. “At Michigan,...
Partnership and Purpose at Sustainable Brands
Partnerships and Purpose at Sustainable Brands By Sara Soderstrom, Erb Faculty Member I was excited to attend and present at Sustainable Brands 2018. My research focuses on how organizations are engaging with sustainability challenges, and my work’s motivation stems...
Erb faculty Andy Hoffman recipient of 2017 “Ideas Worth Teaching Award” – Aspen Institute
Professor Andy Hoffman was honored today as a recipient of the 2017 Ideas Worth Teaching Awards for his class on Sustainable Business in Iceland offered through Global Initiatives at the Ross School of Business. Jerry Davis and Chris White, also professors at the Ross...