Jim Frey
CEO and Co-Founder
Resource Recycling Systems, Inc.
Jim has been accelerating the adoption across the US of practical environmental solutions to sustainable materials management for the last four decades. Beginning with helping to launch some of our country’s first municipal recycling programs in the 70’s and 80’s including those of both the City of Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan – to the founding of the now global consultancy, Resource Recycling Systems in 1986, Jim has led thousands of municipalities, institutions and corporations successfully through the complex and difficult implementation challenges required for responsible management of our “waste”. Skilled in strategic planning, economic analysis, facilitation of public/private collaborations and operations management consulting, Mr. Frey brings a long track record of success in helping clients of all types adopt cost effective and environmentally responsible solutions. Mr. Frey holds an MBA with High Distinction from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan with a concentration in Strategic Planning, Business Economics and Public Policy and a BPh from Thomas Jefferson College at Grand Valley Statue University.