The expectations of a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Erb Institute include the following:

RESEARCH. Post-Doctoral Fellows are expected to contribute to the research agenda of the Institute.

  1. Produce Scholarly Research. The Post-Doctoral Fellow will submit for publication and present at external research conferences, research that both furthers the candidate’s scholarly interests, and opens new avenues for inquiry through collaboration with Erb Institute faculty, affiliates, and the broader University of Michigan community.
  2. Institute Report. Before the end of the two-year fellowship, the Post-Doctoral Fellow will be expected to write at least one Institute Report (1,500 words) that summarizes the work they have done while at the University of Michigan.
  3. Research Seminar. The Post-Doctoral Fellow will be expected to give at least one research seminar at the University of Michigan, preferably in the Erb Institute Colloquium series.
  4. Occasional Papers and Posts. The Erb Institute emphasizes research with an applied component. To this end, the Post-Doctoral Fellow is expected to produce an occasional plain-language output about their research or interests, which is aimed at a non-academic audience.

SERVICE. Post-Doctoral Fellows are expected to provide intellectual support to the research environment of the Institute.

  1. Erb Institute Colloquium Brownbag. Post-Doctoral Fellows have primary responsibility for organizing the Erb Institute Colloquium series. Each year, the Colloquium brings roughly 4 speakers (approximately 2 internal and 2 external). Post-Doctoral Fellows, in consultation with Erb Institute faculty, will select speakers, invite them to campus and organize the year’s schedule. Speakers should be a mix of faculty affiliates, external speakers and speakers that fit the contextual area for which the Post-Doctoral Fellow was selected. (The Institute will provide support for logistics; the Post-Doctoral Fellow will not be expected to arrange travel and lodging.)
  2. Mentoring/Advising of Masters Students. It is highly recommended that the Post-Doctoral Fellows advise at least one SEAS masters project on a topic that aligns with their research interests.
  3. Mentoring and engagement with the Erb Institute PhD community. This includes participating in, and if necessary, organizing monthly brownbag lunches with doctoral students and faculty.
  4. Erb Academic Conferences. Where practical, Post-Doctoral Fellows may assist in the development, organization and summary of research conferences on campus.

CITIZENSHIP. Post-Doctoral Fellow are expected to participate in the community life of the Institute. This includes attendance at regular Institute events.

  1. Attend EAB meetings. Post-Doctoral Fellow are expected to attend the bi-annual Erb External Advisory Board meetings and participate in discussions relating to the focus and direction of the Institute.
  2. Attend Erb Academic Seminars and Conferences. Post-Doctoral Fellows are expected to attend the Colloquium as well as Conferences that are organized by the Institute.
  3. Attend Institute Community events. Post-Doctoral Fellow are expected to attend Institute community events (for example, beginning of the year, end of year, and holiday parties).