Uyanga Turmunkh’s Dissertation Success

Postdoc fellow Uyanga Turmunkh successfully defended her dissertation on “Ambiguity in Social Dilemmas” at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her thesis examines the ambiguity in people’s behavior in social dilemmas, including how it affects decisions and how it can be mitigated. “By extending innovations in measurement of ambiguity attitudes in individual choice contexts to situations of games against others, this thesis adds new insights to old questions about trust, trustworthiness and betrayal aversion in people’s interactions with others,” she said.

At the Erb Institute, Turmunkh will apply the measurement and analytical methods she developed in her thesis to the problem of climate change. “I will study how individuals and firms deal with climate-related regulatory and physical risks and the factors that shape their responses to such risks,” she said. She will use behavioral methods to understand the political polarization of the American public’s beliefs about and attitudes toward climate risks and climate policies. She will also study climate-related risks that firms perceive and the factors that shape the ways they manage these risks.

Turmunkh completed her Ph.D. at Erasmus’s Behavioral Economics group. She holds a diploma in Economics from the University of Mannheim (Germany) and a B.A. in Economics from Franklin and Marshall College (Lancaster, Pa.).