Project: Michigan Green Communities: Strengthening Municipal Sustainability Practices through Statewide Network Building

Client: Michigan Green Communities

Faculty Advisor: Josh Newell

Student Group Members: Benjamin Bunker, Antonia Chan, Andrew Fang, Seth Federspiel, Courtney Lee

Abstract: The Michigan Green Communities network was formed in 2010 in order to connect communities throughout the state and encourage increased sustainability activity through capacity-building, information sharing, and teamwork among municipalities. Since then, the network has grown to over 100 members and features the Green Communities Challenge activity reporting program, an annual conference, monthly newsletters, and bi-weekly conference calls. The goal of this master’s project team of five graduate students at the School of Natural Resources and Environment and the Ross School of Business was to strengthen Michigan Green Communities’ (MGC) sustainability outcomes through three components: Policy, Economic Energy Analysis, and Outreach…

Read the abstract on Deep Blue