We are proud to announce that Erb Institute Visiting Scholar, Dr. Wren Montgomery, has recently accepted a tenure track position in Corporate Sustainability at the Ivey Business School at Western University. Ivey is Canada's leading business school and, along with the...
Results for research on: Visiting Scholar
A right to water – Is water a human right or a commodity?
By Allison Torres Burtka and Wren Montgomery Is water a human right or a commodity? It’s treated like both. As water scarcity becomes more pressing, both public and private entities have had to examine their stances on how water resources should be controlled. These...
A New Model for Building Social-Benefit Markets – Research by Jacqueline Corbett and Erb Institute Visiting Scholar, Wren Montgomery
Like all markets, social-benefit markets provide a platform for buyers and sellers to exchange commodities, but they are distinguished by their unique goal of improving social and environmental conditions. For example, most people are familiar with carbon trading...
Navigating Troubled Waters: A Primer for Managers on Water Challenges and Opportunities
Water everywhere? An emerging global water crisis The impacts of a water crisis 'Water Wars': Understanding emerging conflicts Industry focus: Sectors facing tensions Moving forward: Opportunities and solutions Wren Montgomery, Erb Visiting Scholar...