A self-proclaimed “complexity junkie,” Monique Oxender, Keurig Green Mountain’s Chief Sustainability Officer, doesn’t bat an eye at tackling big, complicated issues. From the future of coffee to the recyclability of Keurig’s pods, Oxender and her team have provided...
Results for research on: corporate sustainability
Former Erb Institute EAB member authors book – “Sustainability — A Guide for Boards and C-Suites”
Sustainability - A Guide for Boards and C-Suites is a succinct business-focused summary of how business leaders should think about the risks and opportunities associated with sustainability. The book includes the Gib Hedstrom's insights not only from the approximately...
“A Test for Corporate Sustainability Leadership” Published in Huffington Post by Tom Lyon
"Our distinctive expertise as a research community lies in understanding corporate sustainability behavior. We know much about what motivates business firms to invest in sustainability beyond the level required by law, and the impacts these investments have on...