Will Morrison
Will is a third-year MBA/MS student at the University of Michigan’s Erb Institute, a collaboration between the Ross School of Business and School of Natural Resources and the Environment.
During his time at Michigan, Will’s focus has been identifying technologies that address critical social and environmental needs and bringing them to scale through appropriate financing and business model development. As Director of Investments for Ross’ Social Venture Fund, Will led a Series A investment in energy management startup PowerHouse Dynamics, and during his summer at BluePath Finance sourced $10M+ in energy efficiency projects for financing. Will also has experience in B to B marketing, distributed solar electricity generation strategy, electricity regulation, and market analysis as it relates to agricultural water use.
Before graduate school, Will worked at the Center for Responsible Business at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business where he conducted corporate sustainability research and consulting for companies in the tech, financial services, apparel, and chemical industries. Prior to that, he managed a global network of sustainability leaders at Net Impact, a San Francisco nonprofit.
Originally from North Carolina, Will received his undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College in Economics and Environmental Studies. In his free time he time enjoys rock climbing, biking, and improving his culinary skills.