Bodhi Burgess
Managing Director, Head of Clean Technology Investment Banking Cowen and Company
Cowen and Company
Bodhi Burgess is currently with Cowen and Company. His undergraduate degree is from Humboldt State University in the field of Industrial Technology Management. With a focus on sustainable development, Bodhi worked in private industry serving as the Environmental Sustainability Coordinator for Birkenstock, in government as a Program Manager for the Alameda County Stopwaste Authority and in non-profits, serving on the Board of Directors for Marin Conservation League and the Environmental Education Council of Marin. In 2003, Mr. Burgess studied sustainable development in Guatemala with a grant from the Environmental Leadership Program where he is also a senior fellow. At the Erb Institute, Bodhi’s focus was on energy and finance having previously held positions with DTE Energy Technology Investments, the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative and Piper Jaffray as an investment banking associate covering renewable energy and clean technology.